Category: World View
Movimiento es vida // movement is life
Life is a series of ironic twists and turns. It’s how we react and deal with situations as they come. Unexpected and like a thief in the night, the coronavirus crept into our virtual chimneys, threatened to infect and maim us with a flu so sticky it would drown our…
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Do the right thing
Who’s a Spike Lee fan here? In the 1980s, a film of the same title was released by one of America’s most revered film directors. In my research, I was quite surprised to read that they actually produced the film for a budget of US$6 million! That’s quite a hefty…
What the world’s top five media say about Fortnite Grand Finals, and then there’s the sixth!
Here’s a compilation of headlines reported by the world’s top five media companies today after the Fortnite Grand Finals buzz during the weekend in New York City. In cheeky comparison, I also found an article from a year ago giving a totally different perspective. And more. Headline 1. Wired UK The…
Women on Boards
Women on Boards Gender Diversity Index aims to get 20% of women on boards by the year 2020. Find out what you can do…
Can the GIG economy rise above a “fiver”?
Will the gig economy favour the giggers or the customers – shouldn’t it favour both sides as equally as it can be since we’re redesigning this new economy?
Self. Less.
Sephora, Sephora, Sephora! According to Wikipedia, Sephora is owned by luxury conglomerate LVMH as of 1997. The Sephora logo is a white “S”-shaped flame against a black background. The name comes from the Greek spelling of Zipporah (Greek: Σεπφώρα, Sepphōra), wife of Moses. In November 2018, Sephora and Google released and shared this case…
In the USA, I’d be kneeling with Kaepernick but I’m in Malaysia so I’ll kneel with the Temiars and LGBTQs
This post is about our humanity. It’s another one of those long public holiday weekends in Malaysia – we have many, and I was reading this article written by Ciara Linnane / Market Watch and found it quite comprehensive in grabbing all of the relevant quotes from the Nike/Kaepernick campaign.…
Future Shock predicted Grab Uber Asia merger?
Future Shock! In a meeting few mornings ago, our Deputy Chairman Zin Dahari mentioned a book that blew his mind as a teenager. Published in 1970, Alvin Toffler’s Future Shock gave an idea of what the future would look like. Written together with his wife Heidi, the Tofflers conjured ideas like “underwater…