What went down in 2020

15 December 2020: Completed a fun, interactive and innovative website for Melbourne artist, Joel O’Connor. We also worked with a 360° videographer to create visuals as the one above.
17 October 2020: Stillness is requited to give room for pensive thought and planning so we can achieve more for the greater good. It’s good to be fit, but wouldn’t it be great if we could be FIT for GOOD? We created this video to raise awareness about journeying with somebody and not living in silo.
16 September 2020: Launched online Gift Cards for web development, virtual assistant & Movement AID services.
26 August 2020: Published my first article in Medium titled, “Whose land is it anyway if it’s not your Motherland”. This article is a reaction to the recent anti-Asian and anti-Chinese sentiments in Australia. I keep writing at move8warrior.medium.com.
12 August 2020: Published an article that explores a traditional Japanese concept of finding purpose in life – Ikigai.
22 June 2020: Producing content for www.asiafitnesstoday.com, strategising marketing plans for an aged care project and keeping my hands washed!
25 April 2020: This Anzac Day, I’m in ISO, staying at home and honouring the war veterans who fought to protect our lands. This article, Lest we Forget is my tribute.
29 February 2020: Attended AIDC in Melbourne representing #KurangManisMovie project. The trip was fully sponsored by the Motion Picture Association APAC as a prize awarded to me for winning second place at the 2019 Script-to-Screen Workshop Pitch Malaysia organised by the MPA-APAC, FINAS & WildSnapper TV.
5 January 2020: Move8.org kickoff 1st Sundays of the month walks across the Sydney Harbour Bridge.