Tag: Migration

  • Essay: In two worlds – SBS Submission

    This was written and submitted for the SBS Emerging Writers Competition 2021. My entry didn’t make it, but it felt fulfilling to be a part of the process. After reading the winning entries, I’m honoured and inspired to have participated. I will keep on writing to unleash that inner voice,…

  • Essay: Motherland – Liminal Mag Submission

    The LIMINAL & Pantera Press  Nonfiction Prize 2021 Essay submission by: Jasmine Hong Chun Low Personal Statement: I’m not yellow! I’m peach, my nephew exclaimed, when I tried raceplaining yellow peril. Malaysian-born, I’m fourth generation Chinese and think in the English language although that may not show at first glance.…

  • Whose land is it anyway if it’s not your Motherland

    Whose land is it anyway if it’s not your Motherland

    Originally published in MEDIUM. In the next 12 minutes, we’ll head off the beaten track and traverse from Georgetown to Tasmania, hop across to LA for a minute then boomerang back to Sydney to witness how multiculturalism is a winning card for a country to achieve greatness. That, is my…