The Arrival

Tirelessly, she draws on her liner
practises her opening numbers
stretches her lips from side to side
holds her head up
grabs her hair back
and pretends to yawn
cackles, then angles her neck to let out a stream of laughter
she is ready.
And she dials for her public cab
6 2 5 9  2 0 2 0
On her way to the club in ampang
cabbie queries while ‘tick tick’ goes the tambang
in the mirror her sees her.
Young, pale, eyes defined
too beautiful to stare just once
and he stares
while she, escapes into her other world.
the world of the night
when she is most awake
when you are most lonely.
And she contemplates the savouries of the night
she plans her lines
she can already see the intricate lines on your face,
she sees the make of your shirt,
the name of your dog
the size of your shoe.
And she slams the door SHUT!
For she, has arrived.
And so will you.

Plagiarising will give u callouses and bad breath. Copyright 2004-08 Jasmine Low.

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